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Truth Not Trends

Dec 31, 2018

If there ever was an evangelist for strength training as preventative medicine that person is Dr. Wayne Westcott.

Dr. Westcott has been doing research for over 40 years and we had to privilege of discussing obesity prevention, maximizing muscle, gaining muscle at 90 years old, proper protein intake, and the...

Dec 24, 2018

What have we learned about aerobic conditioning since the jogging craze of the 1970s? Must we be concerned if we aren't doing endless cardio to shed unwanted body fat?

This is a great episode for you if you spend more than one hour per week doing cardio or you want to make sure your heart and lungs are getting the work...

Dec 17, 2018

Dave Durell is affectionately known as the husband of Patty Durell (Episode #5). Dave is a former NFL strength coach with 40+ years of strength coaching experience, and co-owner of Rock Solid Fitness in Dunedin, FL. 

In this episode, Dave details what it takes to condition like an NFL player, and the surprising...

Dec 10, 2018

How long should a program be effective for? Should we use the same weights we used last workout or go heavier? Should we be seeing progress in every workout or are there times we regress?

In this episode Liam and Jesse break down the major benefits of keeping tight records on your resistance training progress.

Dec 3, 2018

Sunir Jossan is the chief of health and fitness for the National Counterterrorism office in Washington D.C. He worked as a strength coach with the Jacksonville Jaguars for 4 years and he is also the owner of the Personal Edge

In this episode, Sunir tells us what it takes to train America's best and brightest, and why...