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Truth Not Trends

Jan 28, 2019

Diana Del Garbino's mantra is "leave the world a better place than you find it," and at Muscles in Motion in Lake Oswego, Oregon she keeps that promise!

Don't be fooled by her bedside manner though. This former LA S.W.A.T team member may have a soft touch, but when she puts you in the crosshairs of her H.I.T. workouts,...

Jan 21, 2019

Dr. John Jaquish helped his mother reverse her osteoporosis and now he's helping us reverse weakness with his patented X3 Bar! 

If you are a fan of variable resistance, osteogenic loading, the ketogenic diet, or just building strength, Dr. Jaquish is your man.

Check him out @drjaquish on Instagram.

Jan 14, 2019

Almost every new trainee wants to a) get stronger, b) lose the gut, and c) gain flexibility. But is flexibility really trainable? How important is it anyway?

Static stretching, ballistic stretching, dynamic stretching, active-isolated stretching, or PNF, in this episode we cover them all and show you how to get the most...

Jan 7, 2019

Juan Carlos "J.C." Santana is the founder of the Institute of Human Performance in Boca Raton, FL. He has been active in the fitness industry for over 30 years, he has a master's degree in exercise science, and he is an expert in functional fitness.

This episode has a broad scope from functional training to...